Sunday 28 April 2013


I’m losing my touch with the outside world ..and am feeling alienated . What’s happening on Facebook ? Linked In ?My favourite jewellery site? Let me log in … and then I lose touch with this new baby filled world and drift to my old one . The familiar feeling ..the mind moves into overdrive. Wow – that job opening is what I have  been looking for .. great deals on great stuff  … etc. etc.
A wail and I return to the world that centres around the baby .
And then I decided to get back to work – flexi time .
Step 1 – hire help. Even though my mom is around, she gets tired looking after the baby on a full time basis- mentally and physically. Babies are a full time job!! So , investing in hired help is the first towards freeing up time to work .
Step 2 – train the help . This is a two week process, and really helps me wean myself away from the baby as I see Lakshmi (the nanny) get a grip on things and do it ‘my way’. Vira is happy with her and I feel happy seeing this bonding. Leaving them under my mom’s guidance, I am feeling confident of spending time on work.
Don’t I feel guilty ?– handing the baby over to ‘others’ to take care? I think there must be no mother who does not feel that she is the best ‘mom’ and caregiver for her child. But then, work is my baby too and it is an integral part of who I am ..and my finances. The trick is to balance both and give each enough  attention to grow . Yes, I understand that I may not be able to do as much work as I was doing pre- Vira, but then, that is a trade-off I knew was coming .
A close look at the corporate environment and help from my friends helps me get work that I can do predominantly from home. Its not as easy as it sound
s as interruptions are many – mom drops in for an opinion , elder child returns from school and wants to share her day, maid asks if you need coffee etc. etc. But the flip side is , all of this makes me happy .. happy to be !!
Combat techniques from the art of war – 
a)      Be in a constant state of readiness for combat – create a no fuss wardrobe which needs minimum maintenance and ensure your battle gear (laptop, internet connection , wire-less ear phone etc.) are in top working condition for sudden assault from an external client and the baby . 
b)      Keep your main weapon in good condition. Listen to your body – don’t overdo anything else your work and baby will get effected tomorrow. Be smart. Think long term.

Wednesday 24 April 2013


Vira’s maternal uncle (mama) was all agog to converse with his new niece. I sent him some pictures on Black berry messenger and one day the baby said the magical words – gooooo go goooooo!! 
20 seconds later we were on the phone for a mama bhanji  (uncle – niece) conversation –

Mama:- Hello beta (child)

Vira :-Gooooo

Mama :- So nice talking with u

Vira :-Goooo goo

This conversation is priceless !!Jand the first of many to come…

Friday 19 April 2013


The first 60 days are just over, and I feel like its been eternity since Vira’s been around. I can’t remember the last time I slept thru a night ..gosh ! 60 days look like a lifetime? No doubt Chinese methods of torture included sleep deprivation.

The best part is, she gets up , feeds, burps, poops and then falls asleep effortlessly about 80% of the time .. for these 20 mins of waking time for her , its 1 hour waking time for me – cause it includes,
·         20 mins with the baby
·         20 mins eating, drinking water, visiting the loo etc.
·         20 mins trying to fall asleep …

And then she is up again, in about 1 and a half hour!!  Since the spinal injection section hurts a bit every time I get up , the whole night is miserable .. and I get up feeling very tired in the morning . Thankfully my mother takes her from there and my life gets simple- try and stay awake and do some office work . Coffee – splash water in the face- type , type, type – feed – and repeat the chain . A two hour nap in the afternoon is the highlight of my day .

Combat techniques from the art of war
a.       Be prepared to tackle the enemy
·         Keep some low calorie chocolate ready for a quick munch in the middle of the night
·         Keep lots of water on the bedside table
·         And all the baby stuff within reach
Stay positive .Don’t dwell on the current situation of siege– imagine the happy time ahead .Eg , the walks you will take with you kid, the slim figure you will achieve in a year or two etc.