Monday 20 May 2013


Thank you for the world so sweet,
Thank you for the food we eat.
Thank you for the birds that sing,
Thank you God for everything.

Love this rhyme that my older child learns at school. It is the first rhyme in her book and a great way to instil the attitude of gratitude. If only we could say thank you more often, the world would be a better place.

You know how it is with a kid of 4 months. Constant demands, to be picked up, fed , burped , entertained, changing diapers – the list is endless .  Add to that the demands of your household chores and interaction with a 3 year old. And top it up with your work. It seems I am spinning like a wheel. And I’m doing nothing well – my house is rarely as clean as my friend's -  A stay at home yummy mummy with a toddler.

Combat techniques from the art of war

          Keep an attitude of gratitude. It helps keep a sunny temperament and focus on the important things that are going right at the moment.  You are a more successful solider in this battle of sanity while managing kids. You hardly get overwhelmed with duties

Tuesday 14 May 2013


At 4 months Vira has become quite a handful. She expresses herself freely – and when I say freely I mean FREELY – shout, squeal, purr… depending on the mood. Will she be a dictator? Scary prospect. A Singer? Hopefully. A Politician? My mum says so .Wow...That’s quite a handful of vocations for a 4 month old baby

But this is how we parents are .. Dreaming about what our kids will do, how they will look, behave and feel as ‘adults’. This day dreaming is a pleasure so specifically made for parents  J . It makes up for all the things we CANNOT do today – party for long hours, spend on our whims and oh! So much more on the material front.

Monday 6 May 2013


Then I saw her face
Now I'm a believer
Not a trace
Of doubt in my mind
Now I'm a believer
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm a believer
Then I saw her face
I'm a believer
Not a trace
Of doubt in my mind
I'm a believer ….

A personal favourite J and it comes to my mind every time I see Vira doing ..oh many of the million things she does … like the first time I saw her sit up . We generally put her in the pram and prop her up with cushions. She was in a reclining position and suddenly pushed herself up !!and was upright – for about 30 seconds J her first ‘sitting by herself’ . 

Wow !!a small push for Vira , a big WOW moment for me . By the time I shouted out and my mom and thr maid came running , she had managed to topple forward and bang her head on the play rings attached in the front of the pram .  Oops !

Thursday 2 May 2013


Ms. Vira’s head is nice and soft and round and fairly ‘clean’ – not much hair to be seen. This is just the opposite of what my eldest child has – lovely , soft and plentiful hair . My mother ‘s solution to this is to massage in oil on her head twice every day . The result of this practice has been that the existing hair has grown longer  but I do not see any new hair coming out .

When we went to the pediatrician for her check-up , I brought this to his notice . What he said gave me a small heart attack – his words implied that the kid will ‘shed all her hair by the time she is 6 months old and regrow them by her first birthday ‘ . The colour drained from my mother’s face and I was staring at the doctor – aghast .

We walked home in silence ..wondering how Vira’s hair will grow going forward . ?

Any thoughts?Your experience with something similar? Do share