Sunday 8 December 2013

Evolution - wriggle ... roll ... crawl ... walk

A couple of days back Vira started rolling over onto her tummy and wriggling her hands and feet .  It seemed like she is doing some of the yoga asanas quite effortlessly . Bhujang asana is her favourite . 

And today in the morning, when all of us were rushing around in the ‘morning rush’ , she started crawling . I missed that moment when this ‘gyan uday’ happened. All I know is that one fine moment I saw the child on her fours and , with full concentration, making her way to an unknown destination. Wow!!

A couple of coordinated movements and she managed to reach the sofa for support. A few tugs and pulls and she managed to stand (albeit briefly) . Oh my !! talk of the pace of change :-).

This was too good to be kept to myself.. and as I called out , all the members of the household came out to ‘check this out’ . And promptly Vira refused to ‘do it again ‘ !! Haha

Do I believe in miracles? Yes . The ability to learn , unaided , is a miracle in so small a child. God sure has built in miracles into life .