Saturday 11 January 2014

Baby to me - 'I don’t like socks …'

Bangalore has that ‘chill’ in the air again . And my mom’s go the baby these fabulous socks of a couple of varieties –
·        the thick , furry kinds,
·        the pure cotton with cute embellishment kinds
·        the ‘ready to party’ kinds

As Vira jets about the house, it is important to keep her feet warm . This is slated to being down the incidence of cold AND to reduce the frequency of ‘su-su’ (errr , pee pee to the uninitiated)
With these noble objectives we put on a couple of them .. and were very pleased to see the Vira move around with growing confidence (initially she slipped about a bit ) .

Wow !! wonder grandmom and mom were soooo proud of our achievements. I bragged about this success to all my friends and foes with infants .. 

A month later the tables turned . Miss Vira learnt that if she tugged sufficiently hard or long at the toe of a sock, it came off !! She decided that this was a great game .. tug off a sock and mum or grand-mum , or Lakshmi aunty (the maid) would come running after her . What a great way to grab some attention!!
Since then this has become an often played game . The sequence of events is
  1. Baby takes a bath
  2. Dry her up , sprinkle lots of Johnson’s baby powder all over, including on her toes
  3.  Person 1 - distract the wriggling baby
  4.  Person 2 - put socks on the baby’s feet
  5. Baby is happy to play .. for a while
  6. Baby tugs at a sock on one foot
  7.  Sock comes loose
  8. Baby waves the sock around till someone (mum, grand-mum, Lakshmi Aunty) notices
  9.  Baby squeals and runs
  10.  We shout and run
  11.  Catch the baby
  12. Repeat activity no. 3 onwards

Phew!! The evening finds three exhausted women and 1 ecstatic baby .. Dihka diya na !!

Combat techniques from the art of war
a.      Love thy enemy (here – the baby)… once she is asleep . Till then , prepare to chase !!