Wednesday 27 February 2013

The immunisation cycle - keep the baby comfortable on ‘those’ days

The immunisation cycle and how to keep the baby comfortable on ‘those’ days

The cycle of immunisation ensures that the baby is to get a vaccination injection nearly every month in the first 2 years . These jabs lead to redness and small bumps thru swelling and a lot of crying at the point of injection . Even if you take the ‘painless’ vaccination, it may lead to fever and pain . Vira is used to her massage and bath cycle. The doctor advised us to continue with it – just avoid massaging the concerned limb for 2 days . And that worked!! Of course we had to give her Calpol drops for pain and she developed colic that night – most likely because of the strong vaccination.
A grandma’s recipe to combat stomach ache caused by gas formation /colic is to take a pinch of asafoetida (hing in hindi) and dissolve it in half a spoon of water .Apply the paste around her naval and get ready to hear the musical sounds of the baby fartJ. I vouch for this method – which worked wonders for my kids.
And if you need instant relief from a bottle - Colic aid is a God sent and helps give instant relief.

Combat techniques from the art of war
a.       Prepare for a rough night on the days of vaccination since the child’s suffering is maximum after sun-down
b.      Keep your ammunition in good order to compact the enemy (pain , fever, colic) – Calpol drops and Colic aid and a hot water bottle .

Sunday 24 February 2013

The initial sights and sounds - baby in month 1 and 2 :-)

Vira started recognising me (her mom) by smell by the first 2 weeks – and with that started her attempts to communicate. By week 4 she was yelling with 4 discernible sounds.. which seemed to express pleasure (or displeasure) of varying degrees .  Then started the facial movements .. the eyebrow lift, the widening of her eyes, the various shapes of her mouth , the turning of her head to follow movements . She became more demanding – I want a feed NOW, I want to be lifted NOW … Demands of a growing kid – week 7 and she is kicking with gusto , loves being on her stomach (though she cannot roll over yet) and has started opening her fists to hold on to clothes .