Sunday 24 February 2013

The initial sights and sounds - baby in month 1 and 2 :-)

Vira started recognising me (her mom) by smell by the first 2 weeks – and with that started her attempts to communicate. By week 4 she was yelling with 4 discernible sounds.. which seemed to express pleasure (or displeasure) of varying degrees .  Then started the facial movements .. the eyebrow lift, the widening of her eyes, the various shapes of her mouth , the turning of her head to follow movements . She became more demanding – I want a feed NOW, I want to be lifted NOW … Demands of a growing kid – week 7 and she is kicking with gusto , loves being on her stomach (though she cannot roll over yet) and has started opening her fists to hold on to clothes .

1 comment:

  1. Hey Subhashini

    Nice to know u are writing a blog on your experiences with Vira.
