Saturday 7 September 2013

Baby's first words , 'Maaaaa'. Homo Sapiens baby or a goat's kid ?

Every hindi film buff will know these lines from Deewar (Amitabh Bachchan and Shahi Kapoor) :-
·        Vijay (AB): Aaj mere paas bangla hai, gadi hai, paisa hai.......tumhare paas kya hai?
·        Ravi (SK) : Mere paas Maa hai!
(Tacky interpretation in English :-
Vijay:Today I have a bungalow, car, lots of money.. what do you have?
Ravi: I have my mother!(and even after having everything you have lost her))

Why am I quoting this dialogue?  Because Vira now tries out a few variations of Ma now .
1.      Mamamamammmm
2.      Maaaaaaa
3.      Mehhhh mehh (like a goat)
Yes, this is the first word she has spoken . I cannot tell you the immense sense of pride I feel . Incidentally, my elder daughter Reet started off with ‘DaDA da da da ‘  which clearly was an attempt at ‘Dad’ . I remember how thrilled Vikram (her pop) was !! These days I cannot help smiling grinning at the sounds that seem to be Vira’s version of ‘mother’ . J

PS :- The most interesting variant is the mehhh which is so much like a goat bleating that we can’t stop laughing when she starts off .

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