Thursday 10 March 2016

Evolution of words … string them up ..

A for EHH
B for BEH
C for KEH ….
 Its been more than a year now since I wrote about Vira … Its been a hurricane of a year though. She is 3 years old.  She joined a Montessori school in the neighbourhood . And has made some progress on learning to be more ‘civilised’ – in words and deeds .
One particularly interesting activity is to teach her the alphabets .. and the sounds associated with them .  I read up about this and the following pieces on Wikipedia helped
1.      Linguistics :-  Linguistics as a study endeavours to describe and explain the human faculty of language.
2.      Phonetics :- Phonetics is a branch of linguistics that comprises the study of the sounds of human speech. It is concerned with the physical properties of speech sounds.

      It’s amazing that kids at 3 will learn anything so complicated.. or so I thought. But I then realised that the kid is actually enjoying the process. She like saying A for Aah … B for Bah .. C for Keh .Phonetics is enabling her to speak much clearer . And to understand things easily. She is making attempts to identify 2 letter sounds together – SH for Shhh.. ST for sttttah . It has also shown me that the 26 letters in the alphabet does not represent all the sounds in English . 15 vowels and semi vowels and 23 consonants play a very important role in the sound and spelling maze . Takes me straight back to school !! J

Look up this utube video if you found this interesting  :-  

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